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School Development Programme for School Leaders

An online programme designed for school leaders who want to embed anti-racism and gender equality in their schools. 6 x 2 hr sessions.

Debiasing your recruitment processes

A half-day or twilight course for school leaders, governors and School Business Managers. Half day or twilight.

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Leading through authentic allyship

This course explores authentic allyship in the workplace for all staff. Half day or twilight. 

How can I teach what I don't know?

An exploration of content and subject knowledge needed to confidently teach a variety of topics. Full, half-day or twilight course suitable for or middle leaders, teachers and support staff. 

Developing critical thinking

What tools do children need to have at their disposal to be critical thinkers? Practical strategies for classroom practitioners and middle leaders. Full day, half day or twilight.

Debiasing your classroom practice

Learn about types of bias and practical strategies for reducing the effects of bias in the classroom. Full day, half day or twilight course for middle leaders, teachers and support staff.


Race and Identity

How do our personal identities impact on our professional practice? A half-day or twilight course suitable for all. 

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Planning for effective CPD

Practical strategies for planning a bespoke CPD programme for your setting. Full day, half day or twilight course for senior and middle leaders.

Teaching media literacy

Learn how media literacy can develop critical thinking skills and reduce the effects of stereotyping. Full day, half day or twilight course for middle leaders, teachers and support staff.

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Language matters

An opportunity to explore, discuss and reframe vocabulary, terminology and language. Half day or twilight course for all staff.

Global citizenship education

The role of Global Citizenship education in equity and social justice. Full day, half day or twilight for senior leaders, middle leaders and class teachers. 

Reviewing the curriculum

How do we move from diversifying to decolonising the curriculum? Full day, half day or twilight for senior leaders, middle leaders and class teachers.

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